La Enseñanza Que No Se Ve
Resumen del Libro

THE TEACHING THAT CANNOT BE SEEN – Informal Education in the XXI century – This book studies the influence of the media in the present society as well as the appearance of new agents that enter in action through new technologies of the digital society of the XXI century. It also explains the daily but hidden action of informal education, contributing and upgrading some key elements, ideas and reflections and offering examples, tools and solutions for group work in the formal as well in the non formal education. The Teaching that cannot be seen, is an indispensable document for those educators who want to know the action, sometimes contrary, that the audiovisual means and the new technologies carry out through informal education. The book also contributes an important brand of reflection for communication professionals in understanding the educational implications that social communication has in informal education. Finally, it offers a theoretical base on the informal educational agents influence in present society, as well as practical proposals and work tools for all those persons interested in as closely related fields as are education and communication.