Ram Nam

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High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Ram Nam means the name Rama, which can imply either devotion to Rama, the avatar of Vishnu, or as a name to the ultimately formless, all-embracing Absolute Brahman. Ramas name is often chanted or sung within the many traditions of Hinduism. A popular mantra is Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram (often prefixed with Om ), which was popularized in western India by Samarth Ramdas. In Mahabharata lord Shiva states that uttering Rama three times equals to pronouncing thousand other names of God.nThe mantra was often used by Mahatma Gandhi. Ram Nam Satya Hai (The name of Ram is truth) is commonly chanted while carrying a dead body to the cremation ground in India. This recitation implies that the dead body no longer sustain the truth (breath) which is Ram Nam. The dead body devoid of the breath or Ram Nam has no value whatsoever.


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