Etiqueta: Paula Arenas Martin Abril

Hablar En Público Correctamente
Introduces educational tips for public speaking in Spanish. Offering tips and advice on the speech writing, public speaking, and interpersonal communication, this language guide offers an understanding of Spanish that helps the reader communicate clearly and concisely in the language.

Los Verbos Y Su Conjugación
Educational tips for writing and speaking in Spanish are introduced in this series of language guides. Offering tips and advice on the writing process, grammar, editing, speech writing, public speaking, and interpersonal communication, these texts offer an understanding of Spanish that helps readers communicate clearly and concisely in the language. Puntas educativas para escribir y […]

Manual De Redacción
Educational tips for writing and speaking in Spanish are introduced in this series of language guides. Offering tips and advice on the writing process, grammar, editing, speech writing, public speaking, and interpersonal communication, these texts offer an understanding of Spanish that helps readers communicate clearly and concisely in the language. Puntas educativas para escribir y […]