Etiqueta: Rosa Barocio

Conoce Tu Temperamento Y Mejora Tus Relaciones

Conoce Tu Temperamento Y Mejora Tus Relaciones

Analyzing the various temperaments that every adult and child can have, this interactive guide offers useful information and advice so that readers can discover their own temperaments and work towards improving their relations with others whose temperaments might differ from their own. Analizando los diferentes temperamentos que cada adulto y niño puede tener, esta guía […]

Disciplina Con Amor Para Adolescentes: Guia Para Llevarte Bien Con Tu Adolescente

Disciplina Con Amor Para Adolescentes: Guia Para Llevarte Bien Con Tu Adolescente

With a great sense of humor, this parenting guide explains why treating teenagers like children only causes anger and rebellion. Instead, advice is given on becoming close to teenagers in a new way by being open but without prejudices, interested but respectful, and present but not controlling. With these helpful suggestions, parents are on their […]

Disciplina Con Amor Para Abuelos: Una Segunda Oportunidad Para Amar

Disciplina Con Amor Para Abuelos: Una Segunda Oportunidad Para Amar

In a time of great changes in the family dynamic, this book is dedicated to grandparents, whose tendency is to spoil–a word that can have different connotations. When used as an expression of love and unconditional acceptance, it nourishes and strengthens a grandchilds emotional well-being. Spending time with grandparents becomes a treat rather than a […]

Disciplina Con Amor Tus Emociones

Disciplina Con Amor Tus Emociones

Everyone walks through life carrying baggage. Ever since we were little, we have been filling up with beliefs, attitudes, values, and repressed feelings. Some are light and encourage us to keep moving forward while others weigh us down and prevent us from continuing. Most people, however, go through life without stopping to think about what […]

Disciplina Con Amor/ Discipline With Love

Disciplina Con Amor/ Discipline With Love

Nadie nos ha entrenado para ser educadores, y educar es una tarea compleja. Por un lado, vemos que no funciona ser autoritarios como lo fueron nuestros padres y maestros, pero por otro, nos damos cuenta de que la permisividad trae consecuencias muy graves, –back cover.

Disciplina Con Amor Para Adolescentes/discipline With Love For Teens

Disciplina Con Amor Para Adolescentes/discipline With Love For Teens

With a great sense of humor, this parenting guide explains why treating teenagers like children will only cause anger and rebellion. Instead, advice is given on becoming close to teenagers in a new way–by being open but without prejudices, interested but respectful, and present but not controlling. With these helpful suggestions, parents will be on […]

Disciplina Con Amor En El Aula

Disciplina Con Amor En El Aula

What happened to students who used to respect and admire their teachers? What does it mean to be a good teacher? Do they come prepared every day? Are they popular with the students? Being a good teacher has never been easy, but in this day and age, teaching has become an even greater challenge. Anyone […]